Pool and Night Activities

3rd and 4th graders also have the option of swim during the day. 
Night Activities:

The best part of Revach is that we offer an amazing program by day and night at no extra charge! Your daughter is kept busy with  healthy outlets all summer long!

We offer night activity 3x a week. Two nights of swim and one exclusive night activity professional show at camp. 

Late night swim will be at  Darchei’s olympic size swimming pool 6:40-7:40 pm. There are Revach personell as well as Darchei lifeguards there to ensure safety, decorum and of course our fun!

** After doing this for a few years we have seen that parents and campers are thrilled with this set up. No forgetting swim gear to pack for camp and  no struggling to get redressed  during a short allotted swim slot. The girls change into their swim gear wearing a tzanua cover up going to the bus and return home the same way. Plus they get to expereince more geshamk acticities during camp!

There will be a shuttle bus service that will take the girls who live in the five towns area as well as Far Rockaway to and from night activity each night. The bus will have a few central locations where the girls will meet the bus and be dropped off . Counselors will also be on the bus to supervise.

Special for 3rd and 4th graders:

Swim during the day too!